Book 9 of year 2020 : Finding chika

Hi all! It’s been a real long time since I wrote. In fact I’m back with a blog after a month. A lot has happened over a month and I’ll write about it super soon. But in a zest I’ll say, corona has changed the world tremendously. I’m lucky enough to say me and my entire circle of family and friends are able to self quarantine and stay safe for everyone’s sake. Adjusting to this new lifestyle has been a learning curve but it’s the new normal now. I’m trying to catch up with the pending blogs and even some newer blog ideas. But for this blog let’s get started with the much pending book review, “finding chika” . I finished this book in February. I borrowed an audiobook from my public library and gobbled it in three days, over my evening walks. It was a light read. It was engaging. And it was the time I understood the unique writing style of the author, Mitch Albom. He writes about potentially deep and unhappy experiences in such a positive way that we learn things with minimum pain. This is a quality we all need to learn, talking about any negative feeling with a focus on its positive impact, and believe me there’s always at least a single positive thing.

The book finding chika is about this little girl named chika, who is rescued from an earthquake, lost all her family, was raised in a orphanage, but always retained her personality. She is suffering from a disease which is almost incurable and fatal. The doctors in her country can do nothing more and at that point the author comes in and take this precious girl to his home back in his own country to find a cure for her. And from there, they develop a relationship which can not be defined by any number of beautiful words. The little girl teaches Mitch and his wife so many new things, help them find the parts of themselves they never knew, and gives them lifetime memories in just a couple of years to live with. You never know how much a person can change your life until he/ she does. And that I realized strongly throughout this book.

Another great thing was that I heard the audiobook of this book. And which gave me a chance to listen to chika. Mitch has included some voice recordings of chika, her songs, her catch phrases and the little jokes she cracked. This made the book a bit more personal for me. Hearing her voice made me connect to her. The story is narrated by the author with such a genuine love that you can feel it. Some short lived relationships give you memories that last longer than you life. And that’s exactly how chika was for Mitch. The emotion of this book can not be explained it has to be experienced. I’ll recommend this book to anyone who is grieving a loss, because it will give you a perspective to heal. I’ll recommend this book to all those who love children, it’ll give you a new outlook of the relationships you build with kids. This book doesn’t feel heavy because the story is told in just the pace that your heart can handle it.

Do let me know if you’ve heard about this book or read it. More book reviews coming soon, stay tuned. Till the next blog, take care, keep reading. This is the time of isolation from people and surrounding yourself with books. So enjoy what you can and stay safe.

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