Book 5 of 2020 : “the fault in our stars”

Hi all! The month of January is over and I am sticking to most of the goals I’ve set for myself. And I’m actually doing better than my own expectations when it comes to reading. Almost 6 books a month is a good number I guess. So here I am with another book reading experience of 2020, the fault in our stars. I read this in e-book format on my “Libby” app. It had been on my to read list forever, and I’ve picked it up to read for no less than 5 times but something came up and I never got past page 10. But this time I was glued to the book, and gobbled it in 5 days. And in fact started reading another book of similar genre, which I finished today, and will post a blog about it on Monday. Reading the fault in our stars made me feel accomplished, like it was some undone task on my list forever.

First of all what a book! It’s so emotional and yet empowering. It is worth all the fuss is out there for it. The emotions are painted so raw and natural, that it becomes very easy to connect to the book. The pain of every character can be felt, even though they are fictional. There’s a rebellious attitude of a teenager, there’s young tender love, there’s pain of parents watching their child struggle for every breath, there’s selflessness and there’s beautiful illustration of friendship. This book has it all. You can actually see Hazel and Gus grow as we turn pages. It’s like watching a bunch of people live life from Birdseye view, it’s that realistic. Personality of each character reveals to you slowly, just like you getting to know a new person. And by the time you have read half the book you know them, you know how they’ll react to some situation, or the way they’ll say certain thing. They become living characters for you. The way Gus calls Hazel ‘Hazel Grace’ was one of such details.

The developing relationship of Hazel and Gus was beautiful to watch, like a tender flower blooming slowly and shyly. Their love for the same book, and the anticipation of what happens next, takes them closer. Which is another beauty, reading people in a book you love, talking about the book they love. It’s happy coincidence. When Gus heroically arranges to meet Peter Van Houten, you can’t help but fall in love with him like a sixteen years old girl. Their journey to airport, the waiting time, the plane ride, everything makes you smile faintly. Because you can feel their problems, but the way they deal with it and still make an effort to enjoy their possibly only trip, warms your heart. Their date on the fancy restaurant was one of the best dates I’ve read, it’s special yet not very formal. Everything comes naturally, nobody becomes someone else to impress other and it is innocent in itself. The bond that they develop over the book is divine, you can feel it’s purity and trueness. I won’t be exaggerating if I say this is one of the best love stories I have read, and by far my favorite.

Apart from the love story part, I will say there are so many aspects you can feel connected to. The friendship between Isaac and Hazel is written beautifully. Isaac’s journey, his struggles, his guilts and yet his willingness to do anything for his friends makes you feel like you need to hug him tight. Hazel’s parents remind me of my parents at times. Maybe that’s why but I can relate to the pain that they are going through and yet keeping a brave face and easy going attitude for Hazel so that she won’t feel suffocated by their love and fears. The way Hazel’s mother treats her and Gus is touchy at times. The worries that Hazel has for her parents are written deep heartedly. She understands watching your child die must be so hard for them, and she worries what her parents would do after her, as their life revolves around her needs. That is very realistic fear, serious illness gives that mature fear to even teenagers. The relationships are painted very beautiful, I can’t name each and every one of them, but when you read the book, it becomes a reality for you.

This book experience was very fulfilling for me. I would say I lived the book, rather than reading it. This book gave me a closure. I found a way to grieve for losing a loved one. I found courage and positivity in this book. I found out how lucky I am to have beautiful relationships in my life. This book made me reflect to myself and feel good about the things or experiences I already have. A beautiful book, which I would surely re read for many times. That’s it for now, more in next blog. Have a happy weekend, and a happy new month!

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