5 topics you will find on this blog

Writing has always been a comfort place for me. Growing up as the only child and being selectively extrovert made diary my closest buddy. But that made writing my personal space too. I always tend to pour my heart out when I write and it becomes a direct path to my soul. That has surely made me keep anything and everything I write very personal and limited access to few close people. But since I decided writing publicly ( you have no idea what a courage it took me to do so ), I thought about first presenting briefly what this blog is going to be about. So here are few of the topics I’ll talk about and if I get even open about writing publicly, this list may grow and I’ll post an updated version of this blog someday ( hopefully the day I become braver comes soon 😅)

1. Story times : I had an interesting childhood, amazing teenage and am having beautiful married life, but that doesn’t mean everything went perfectly every time. When road tripping, cooking, night outs or even on dinner times I always tend to have a story from my life to tell to my friends or husband. Believe me we are married for about four years and been together about a year before but he still gets to hear new stories from me ! So storytelling being my favorite niche has to be in this blog.

2. My favorite recipes : Cooking has been another comforting thing for me, and I guess I’ve inherited this from my mom. I always made fun of her, but now a days I do find it satisfying to have people over, cook for them and feed them. My parents always tried to keep me far away from kitchen and focus on other hobbies but cooking had my heart from a long time. Exploring different cuisines, learning from family and friends and kitchen experiments made me have a ton of favorite recipes and I know I need to document them, so they are going on this blog too!

3. Lifestyle and life updates : I always love how each of us have some values that we base our lives on. When making new friends or even meeting people I’ve always known after a while, I tend to observe their lifestyle and adopt new ideas from them which I like. Even on YouTube or blogs I love knowing someone’s simple daily routine, organization ideas or how they deal with various phases of their life. It would be great way to preserve memories of my current lifestyle or things I’m dealing with now to have them to read after 5-10 years and see how things have changed. Also sharing life updates on blog may take my social anxiety away a bit, and make me realize it’s actually ok to be open !

4. Traveling experiences and more : Traveling has been a beloved topic in my family. My grandparents always travel often and it’s a ritual to sit as a family and listen to their travel stories. Inherited from this family I tend to talk about traveling on a next level. I not only talk about how my traveling experience was, but I also talk about how I planned that trip, what are other options, meal planning for trip, what I packed and money saving tips. Now I realize all this study can come handy to someone who may not have as much time to invest while planning a trip. So all my traveling related stuff is definitely going on this blog. And travel stories are must because… well that’s a family tradition!

5. Honest reviews : I never ever listen to any song without someone’s recommendation. And there’s a friend of mine who never reads any book unless someone tells her the summary or reviews. And there are so many things that we need people’s opinions about! So I’m going to try and write reviews of various things like books, movies, TV series, restaurants, tourist attractions, hotels and well that’s all I can think of right now but I’m sure that list has more to offer. These reviews may come handy for myself sometime while choosing a book to re read or movie to re watch !

So, as of now these are few of the topics I will be talking about on this blog. Hope you have found something interesting to read here. Feel free to comment below and leave me suggestions for new topics or anything in particular that you will love to read. See you soon with a new blog.

Till then keep enjoying the life!!

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